Letter to: My Future Self
September 20th, 2023
Dear Future
I have so
much to say, but thinking about it makes me feel sick. 10 years is a long time,
and I am sure a lot has happened. I have so many questions and even though we
are excited for the future, thinking about it keeps us up at night. Do we have
a family? Or work? Or where do we live?, Did we graduate? How is everything
back home? It’s just so much wonder and work, while also trying to enjoy
the present.
My hopes are
incredibly high thinking how you might feel after achieving many dreams I
currently have and probably some I haven’t even thought of yet. I can’t wait to
experience love, the happiness of finding love, extending family, and just
getting to live with all those ideas and thoughts that have crossed my mind at some
Hopefully, you still rule everything you do based on what your heart says, your passions, and thinking about how your younger self might feel about the
Do we still
like F1 and Heartstopper? Is Dad finally doing better? How many bikes does mom
have at home (current count 8)? Did our Bro make it into the NAVY, or did he
change his mind? How are Ash and Ice? Any more pets? Are you back in Taekwondo?
Do we still have a set of goals in the short and long term?
I can't help
myself to ask about health, Are the dark thoughts gone? I am so hoping they
are! I am sure it hasn't been easy, and it won’t be easy from now on. But think
about how right now I am living your second year of college, away from home,
struggling with mental health, and wishing every single day I could get a hug
from someone and compare it to your current life. Go hug that person you love, and tell them how you feel!
please take care of yourself! Physical health is important, but you know how
bad it can get if you don’t take care of the thoughts going around your head.
I am always
and forever rooting for you, so don't ever feel alone.
Life is
tough, but so are you!
Life isn’t
about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Love you
with all my heart and soul.
Alexa 19
P.S. Compare
your current taste against me (your past self)
Song: La Fiesta & On Était beau
color(s): Black and Green
Best Friend: Paola (Paps) Flores & Emi <3
Series: Money Heist and Heartstopper
thing to do: Go to the Gym or Hammocking by the River
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